Pharmadelivery Solutions ltd has had significant involvement ibn such activities as concept creation, concept evolution, line extension and life cycle management, brainstorming organisation and leadership, specification drafting, portfolio review and problem analysis and solution. Assistance in early stage of development has included;
- Identification of “Best-fit” delivery technologies/ providers, to match therapeutic profiles and patient needs.
- Mapping and capture of User requirements.
- Formulationof the "development plan" for a new drug delivery device.
- Co-ordination of drawings, models, prototypes etc.
- Assistance/ drafting of Terms of Reference, Procurement specifications for devices, manufacturing equipment, specialist services etc.
- Audit/ GAP analysis of Device Design Control procedures.
- GMP audits of/ for device and component suppliers.
- Design and Procurement of custom jigs and fixtures for testing.
- Drafting of specifica test protocols.
As the births of living creatures, at first, are ill-shapen: so are all Innovations, which are the births of time.
................................Francis Bacon
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